Sunday, September 14, 2014

There Goes The Neighborhood

When the explorers and settlers crossed over to the Americas from the Eastern Hemisphere, they affected the Natives in a way that can never be undone.  The explorers wanted to change everything about the natives.  When the settlers first arrived on the islands, the natives were very friendly and warming to them because they thought that these people were sent from God.  But as time went by, the natives realized that the explorers were not saviors of God, but rather the opposite.  The explorers would cheat the natives out of their possessions, kidnap them to bring them to Europe, and steal their land in order for them to make settlements.  This caused great conflict between the two very different groups.  The groups were very different in religious standings and traditional standings.  When the settlers came over and tried to convert all the natives to their religion, Christianity, the natives were very offended.  But because of the technology that was developed in the Eastern Hemisphere, like guns, it was hard for some of the natives to say no when their lives were in danger.  The two groups also had very different traditions.  They had different ways of getting food and cooking that food.  They praised different things; for example the natives were very spiritual towards nature and the resources it gave them, and the settlers were mostly Puritan, Quaker, or a different religion.  The Puritans praised and feared God, they were very strict and set in their ways, while the Quakers were not as strict.  When the settlers tried to take over and convert the natives to their religions, you can imagine why they were very upset.  The explorers tried to change everything about the way the natives lived, and if they refused, they could have and sometimes did take their lives.


  1. I really enjoyed your piece Sarah, and you did a very good historical representation of this time. One thing I can suggest is to try to put more voice into it. While the facts are true, they can still be conveyed in a way that makes them interesting and easy to follow. Good job though!

    1. Thanks for the feedback Quincy! I agree that if I added more of a personal touch to the piece, it would have been more interesting and would have better conveyed the situation that I was trying to describe.

  2. Good job! I liked reading this a lot but I reading this a lot but i do have to agree with Quincy. A first person point of view would have made it a little easier to know what the Native American might have been thinking.

    1. thanks Morgan! I agree with you about how it would have been easier to know what the native American was thinking.

  3. I agree and disagree with morgan and quincy. although a first person approach would change this piece, i liked how you kept straight to the facts and layer out the situation to the readers as it was.

    1. Thanks Sloane! That's what I had originally thought when writing this, so I see what you're saying.
