Thursday, September 4, 2014

About Me

My name is Sarah Marie Sheehan and I am fifteen years old.  I was born the day before Halloween which can be bad at times because people usually forget it.  I am a sophomore at Whitney Young HS and I play volleyball there for the school team.  I also play club volleyball which is year round.  I have lived in Chicago my whole life and only plan on leaving for collage.  I have not even thought about collage yet, but somewhere in New York City would be a dream come true.  I have always pictured my life in Chicago though, so once I finish collage I would come back home.  I have one sister named Mary who is a senior at Whitney Young.  I don't know what I am going to do when she leaves for collage because she is like a best friend to me.  We borrow each others clothes, talk about everything, and she is always there when I need her.  I have a dog named Shamrock and a turtle named Mrs. T.  I love all animals except for squirrels because they scare me.  My family takes a vacation every summer to somewhere we have never been before.  This last summer we went to San Pedro and San Ignacio, Belize.  The experience of meeting people who lived a much simpler life then we do was amazing and inspiring.  I hope to have the opportunity to go back to Belize one day and help the families we met and the people that were very kind to us.  I love reading, but if I don't like a book by the end of the third chapter I usually do not end up finishing it.  I love to ski and snowboard, either in the water or going down a snowy mountain.  I may seem shy when you first meet me, but once you get to know me, I open up more and more.

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