Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

In my personal opinion, I think that John Proctor had made many mistakes in his lifetime, but when it came to the biggest decision of his life, I think he did what was best for him in the end.  After John committed adultery, he felt guilty because he knew it was wrong and that he had betrayed his wife.  I think that John Proctor was a hero because he stood up for what he believed was true and he became the person his wife wanted him to be, a good man.  I think he did what he had to do for himself because he might not have been able to live with himself for choosing to blame someone else and put them in the position that he was in.  I also believe that he was a good example for the town because he was a respectable man and his death and denial to confess was a wake up call to those who blamed others in order to get out of trouble.  I think John was his own hero because he overcame his fear and decided to make the right choice for himself and others.


  1. hey sarah, I really enjoyed your blog especially because I believe it is true. Even though John Proctor did not do the best things in his past he still gave up his life to protect others. But the question is why did he die trying to avoid pointing the finger? Especially when Abigail almost ruined his life and his family's.

    1. thanks Camryn! I'm glad that you agree with my views on John Proctor and I also wondered why John did not try harder to point the finger at Abigail and everything she did to him.

  2. I agree, he was very much a hero, as well as an example for the town. I hadn't thought before that maybe he confessed to adultery and would not blame someone else because he wanted Elizabeth to think he was a good man.

    1. Thanks Sally, I am glad that I could add a new point on your perspective of John Proctor.
