Sunday, September 28, 2014

Six Word Stories

Disappointment is a road everyone travels.

Darkness in eyes, like black butterflies.

Memories now fade like crashing waves.

Running from things that don't matter.

Bitterness, like a disease, spreads quickly.

She waited until the lights faded.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

In my personal opinion, I think that John Proctor had made many mistakes in his lifetime, but when it came to the biggest decision of his life, I think he did what was best for him in the end.  After John committed adultery, he felt guilty because he knew it was wrong and that he had betrayed his wife.  I think that John Proctor was a hero because he stood up for what he believed was true and he became the person his wife wanted him to be, a good man.  I think he did what he had to do for himself because he might not have been able to live with himself for choosing to blame someone else and put them in the position that he was in.  I also believe that he was a good example for the town because he was a respectable man and his death and denial to confess was a wake up call to those who blamed others in order to get out of trouble.  I think John was his own hero because he overcame his fear and decided to make the right choice for himself and others.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

There Goes The Neighborhood

When the explorers and settlers crossed over to the Americas from the Eastern Hemisphere, they affected the Natives in a way that can never be undone.  The explorers wanted to change everything about the natives.  When the settlers first arrived on the islands, the natives were very friendly and warming to them because they thought that these people were sent from God.  But as time went by, the natives realized that the explorers were not saviors of God, but rather the opposite.  The explorers would cheat the natives out of their possessions, kidnap them to bring them to Europe, and steal their land in order for them to make settlements.  This caused great conflict between the two very different groups.  The groups were very different in religious standings and traditional standings.  When the settlers came over and tried to convert all the natives to their religion, Christianity, the natives were very offended.  But because of the technology that was developed in the Eastern Hemisphere, like guns, it was hard for some of the natives to say no when their lives were in danger.  The two groups also had very different traditions.  They had different ways of getting food and cooking that food.  They praised different things; for example the natives were very spiritual towards nature and the resources it gave them, and the settlers were mostly Puritan, Quaker, or a different religion.  The Puritans praised and feared God, they were very strict and set in their ways, while the Quakers were not as strict.  When the settlers tried to take over and convert the natives to their religions, you can imagine why they were very upset.  The explorers tried to change everything about the way the natives lived, and if they refused, they could have and sometimes did take their lives.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

About Me

My name is Sarah Marie Sheehan and I am fifteen years old.  I was born the day before Halloween which can be bad at times because people usually forget it.  I am a sophomore at Whitney Young HS and I play volleyball there for the school team.  I also play club volleyball which is year round.  I have lived in Chicago my whole life and only plan on leaving for collage.  I have not even thought about collage yet, but somewhere in New York City would be a dream come true.  I have always pictured my life in Chicago though, so once I finish collage I would come back home.  I have one sister named Mary who is a senior at Whitney Young.  I don't know what I am going to do when she leaves for collage because she is like a best friend to me.  We borrow each others clothes, talk about everything, and she is always there when I need her.  I have a dog named Shamrock and a turtle named Mrs. T.  I love all animals except for squirrels because they scare me.  My family takes a vacation every summer to somewhere we have never been before.  This last summer we went to San Pedro and San Ignacio, Belize.  The experience of meeting people who lived a much simpler life then we do was amazing and inspiring.  I hope to have the opportunity to go back to Belize one day and help the families we met and the people that were very kind to us.  I love reading, but if I don't like a book by the end of the third chapter I usually do not end up finishing it.  I love to ski and snowboard, either in the water or going down a snowy mountain.  I may seem shy when you first meet me, but once you get to know me, I open up more and more.