Sunday, January 25, 2015

Green Lights, Yellow Cars, and Church Steeples

These three terms all represent a major representation of something important in the story of The Great Gatsby.  Gatsby used to go out on his dock and watch the green light coming from the other side of the bay, from the end of Daisy's dock.  I think this represents the love that Gatsby has for Daisy and a sort of greed that Daisy has inside of her.  The yellow car is also another symbolic representation of money.  Money was something very necessary for this specific story and the people that lived there.  There was old money, which Daisy, Tom, and Nick all were born into.  And there was new money, which Gatsby had obtained by being a bootlegger.  The yellow car is a representation of new money because it is flashy, while the car that Tom owns is classy.  The church steeple is mentioned in the story while Nick was contemplating a decision that would later effect the outcome of peoples lives.  This is because a German philosopher named Immanuel Kant created some theories on morality while he was looking at a church steeple.